Thursday, June 18, 2009

Peace Sign Necklace Jewelry

Peace Sign Jewelry and peace Sign Necklaces almost have a 50 year history. The first peace sign used in wide spread jewelry was in the 1960's during the militant peace marches and sit ins. Often these peace sign pendant necklaces featured the peace sign as a big beaded pendant in bright rainbow colors. It would hang on a string, leather cord or some other medium far less sophisticated than sterling silver.

For some time the peace sign was seen as a symbol or rebellion or an icon of counter culture or anti establishment "stick it to the man" type of symbol.

As precious metal jewelry came into vogue the peace sign started showing up. As a new light or reflection we might say (silver and gold reflecting the light) was shed on the peace sign it started to become a main stream icon.

With time peace sign jewelry became very popular. Now you can see peace sign jewelry in the form of peace sign earrings, pendant necklaces, charms, pendants, toe rings etc.

Now with the high fashion sterling silver you could wear the peace sign to church or formal occasion as well as some casual occasion. That's the beauty and flexibility of sterling. The ulimate peace sign necklace is found at peace sign necklace.

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