Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Christian Devotional Blogs

Christian Devotional Blog

CallahanWriter.com is one of the best kept secrets in the Christian blog community online. It is a type of a online magazine where their are many threads or themes to this blog. The prevalent theme is Christian daily devotionals, Christian articles and free Christian memes or graphics.

It also has a theme  or thread on Fibromyalgia. The author of the CallahanWriter blog has had fibromyalgia for over thirty years. Troy Wagstaff write about his experiences with fibromyalgia and many of those posts are written from a Christian perspective. He talks about faith and how it has helped him through decades of chronic pain.

This Christian blog also has a few family friendly short stories and some inspirational memes. All memes on this blog are free use for anyone who wants to use them.

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