Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer is the most insidious disease I have even seen in my life. My wife has had colon cancer. My Mother has had Uterine Cancer. My Dad had Prostate cancer which partially contributed to his death.
I have some serious chronic health issues myself. I am no stranger to death and illnesses. I thought I could endure anything. Then my wife contracted Breast Cancer. I won't go into personal detail out of respect for my sweet wife. She beat it. But after surgery and during chemotherapy I saw pain and suffering that I have never seen before.
My Dad who had prostate cancer also had Parkinsons diease, heart and lung illnesses. I was with him during open heart surgery and numerous other surgeries. I saw pain! I have felt pain.
However, when I saw the pain and anguish of breast cancer chemo and the shaking and aching of nerve damage and pain in all extremities and pain meds didn't do anything at times. Just suffering. My wife is my hero. She still suffers from nerve damage and thyroid issues from Radiation therapy.
I have a higher respect for cancer patients and survivors than almost anything else. AQ higher respect than I knew existed. support Breast cancer awareness month.

This October while we call attention to breast cancer wear Pink Breast Cancer Jewelry to show your respect to all who have suffered and died and all those who have suffered and lived and to all those who have had to helplessly see their loved ones suffer the pain of breast cancer.
This necklace is perfect to show breast cancer patients there is hope even when they fell like dying.
Pink ribbon breast cancer awareness jewelry is a great way to show support for this insidious cancer. But people do survive breast cancer and live productive lives. They deserve support and respect as well. No one asks to come down with breast cancer but when they do they become fighters and find strength they never new they had.
Give someone you know Cancer awareness jewelry to celebrate surviving cancer or give cancer jewelry to someone who is fighting and could use a little hope.

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