Saturday, July 25, 2009

Horse Necklace Charms

Horse Necklace Charms
Mankinds love affair with the reliable horse is 1000's of years old. Whether for service use, friendship or sporting activities the horse is a constant in society. Used for transportation, plowing, hunting and other survival aspects the horse is a part of the history of mankind. Celebrate this great a regal animal with Horseshoe Jewelry Charms .

The Horse, like the Dog and Cat, is one of those animals who has for thousands of years been friendly to humanity. For thousands of years Horse has helped us to carry our burdens, grow our crops, travel our roads, explore new vistas and help fight our wars.

Horsemen would put on exibitions with their skills on the horse which evolved to the horse being used for sport and racing. Equestrian jewelry is a great way to enjoy that apsect of the great animal.

One of the most striking things about Horse is a dignity that is impossible to diminish. Even pulling a plow or bearing the meanest burden, Horse maintains a noble bearing. The Horse has shouldered his burdens without surrendering his essential nature. Even after his thousands of years of servitude when let loose to run wild Horse becomes in a very short time the untamed spirit he was destined to be.

Perhaps this is Horse's greatest quality that we can relate to human nature: the knowledge that no matter what we have borne in the past, there always exists in us the waiting seed of our true selves. Horse shows us how to carry our burdens with ease and with dignity, but more importantly, he shows us that we are always free deep down inside.

The first thing one notices about Horse is his impressive size and physical power. He is among the biggest and strongest of the animal kingdom, especially among those animals who have close interaction with humankind. Horse qualities teaches us how to tap our own inner power and use it to enrich our lives. To be courageous and adaptable. Invoke the Horse totem virtues for personal empowerment, for accessing your own power.

Horses are very socially oriented and live in relatively permanent herds. Normally among animals who form stable groups the males will, upon reaching maturity, strike out on their own while the grown daughters will stay in the mother's clan.

A newborn horse gets up and is moving about an hour after it is born. Whenever we begin something new, we are starting a learning process, like the new colt who is trying to use his legs for the first time. And like the colt, we are unsure of our footing and will wobble at first on shaky legs. This initial experience is the hardest part of any new project. But if we persist in our efforts, we'll soon be galloping towards our goal. Therefore, we invoke the Horse totem to get us through the early stages of new learning.

Who has not gazed in awe at the beauty of Horse in motion? Anyone who has ever ridden a horse know that when he is trotting it is almost impossible to say in the saddle. But when we allow the horse to set his own pace and he begins to gallop, then riding becomes a pleasure. We become one with the horse in an easy undulation across the horizon. The Horse teaches us that when we give our heart and soul full rein and let our spirit find its own rhythm, then we will ride through our lives with beauty and grace.

The most important thing to know about Horse is it's ritual of child rearing. When Horse suckles it's young the mare begins to be pulled down. Her back will sway, and her entire body seems to lower itself upon her legs. She gives her life to support life. When Horse deems it time for the colt to maintain on its own she refuses to let the little one suckle. The Horse is one of the few animals that will wean the colt without human influence. She will not allow her young to destroy her own body. Here, Horse medicine is teaching us when we have done our job to push the colt out on its own.

Horse medicine is telling us all to spread our wings and fly and let the little ones who would suck us dry stand on their own two feet.

Riding a horse conveys a sense of freedom. Real power is strength used with wisdom. This requires love, compassion, and the willingness to share one's achievements and insights with others. It is important not to let our ego deny us access to this power.

Horse is a journey to power through balance, wisdom, and responsibility.

Horse Necklace Charms

Horseshoe Jewelry Charms

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