Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Religious Jewelry

The term "Jewelry" covers all types of jewelry, both abstract and thematic. Jewelry covers Sterling silver jewelry to costume jewelry.

Of all the sub categories of jewelry is religious jewelry. Religious jewelry is such a huge category because under it comes jewelry from all aspect of religions like Christian Jewelry to Islamic Jewelry. From Jewish Jewelry to Hindu Jewelry to Buddhist Jewelry. From Cross necklaces to cross pendants. Every religion that I know of has some sort of symbol that is worn as jewelry.

Even jewelry that doesn't seem to be religious in nature like Celtic jewelry has a religious component in Celtic Cross Pendants and Celtic Cross Necklaces.

Of all the sub section of religious jewelry, the most popular, at least in the West, is Christian and Cross jewelry.

Sterling silver Religious jewelry serves two essential functions: 1. Fashion, and 2. Faith promoting and inspirational reminders. Religious jewelry "kills two bird with one stone" so to speak. You can wear a constant visual reminder of your faith and it is also fashionable. With the current world troubles of war and economic issues people are looking to religious jewelry as a spiritual uplift. It's more fashionable now than ever before to wear religious jewelry.

There are a great many sub categories of religious jewelry as has already been mentioned, case in point. There are Cross necklaces for men and Cross necklaces for women. Cross necklaces to appeal to both genders.

Then like Celtic Jewelry (you wouldn't assume it to be a religious jewelry category) is Ankh jewelry where there are Ankh Cross Necklace and Pendants. The ankh has come to be known by many Christian denominations as the cross of life.

Religious charms and pendants with a Bible theme are very popular besides the Christian Crosses.

With all the religious charms and pendants and cross charms and pendants you need something to put them on like sterling silver necklace chains or sterling silver charm bracelets.

In the Religious jewelry category is also St Christopher Pendants and medals along with religious necklaces and Serenity prayer and prayer box jewelry.

In the cross charm and pendant category is a great page that describes the various cross symbolism and their meanings.

As you can see, Religious jewelry is very deep and rich in the types of jewelry available.

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