Saturday, May 23, 2009

Whale Jewelry Symbolism

Whale Jewelry Symbolism
Whales are the world's largest mammals, and the Blue Whale is the largest creature on Earth. These warm-blooded creatures have blubber to insulate and store food they need. Whale bones are soft and porous, enabling them to store food in the form of oil, unlike land mammals whose bones are hard.

The softness of their bones enables them to grow to an enormous size and still float in the water. Underwater, whales don't have good eye sight, but they have excellent hearing and use a technique called "echo location" to communicate with other whales.

By using their powerful tail flukes to steer and propel them, they are able to utilize their fins to twist and turn about in the water. Having been born with a protective coat of blubber, whales know how important insulation can be. The whale tail is one of the more popular nautical symbols. Celebrate your love for whales with whale tail jewelry and other nautical jewelry.

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