Monday, May 22, 2017
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Christian Devotional Blogs
Christian Devotional Blog is one of the best kept secrets in the Christian blog community online. It is a type of a online magazine where their are many threads or themes to this blog. The prevalent theme is Christian daily devotionals, Christian articles and free Christian memes or graphics.
It also has a theme or thread on Fibromyalgia. The author of the CallahanWriter blog has had fibromyalgia for over thirty years. Troy Wagstaff write about his experiences with fibromyalgia and many of those posts are written from a Christian perspective. He talks about faith and how it has helped him through decades of chronic pain.
This Christian blog also has a few family friendly short stories and some inspirational memes. All memes on this blog are free use for anyone who wants to use them. is one of the best kept secrets in the Christian blog community online. It is a type of a online magazine where their are many threads or themes to this blog. The prevalent theme is Christian daily devotionals, Christian articles and free Christian memes or graphics.
It also has a theme or thread on Fibromyalgia. The author of the CallahanWriter blog has had fibromyalgia for over thirty years. Troy Wagstaff write about his experiences with fibromyalgia and many of those posts are written from a Christian perspective. He talks about faith and how it has helped him through decades of chronic pain.
This Christian blog also has a few family friendly short stories and some inspirational memes. All memes on this blog are free use for anyone who wants to use them.
Christian blog,
fibromyalgia blog
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
The Sterling Silver Claddagh Cross Pendant Necklace
The Sterling Silver Claddagh Cross Pendant Necklace
The claddagh is an Irish symbol that is made up of a heart wearing a crown that is held up with two hands. So how does the claddagh at symbolism to the claddagh cross necklace or the claddagh cross pendant?
Think of the symbolism like this, the hands represent the hands of the Savior holding your heart which belongs to God and the crown symbolizes the King of Kings which is the object of your faith. This claddagh cross pendant can be purchased by itself. The claddagh cross necklace can be purchased as a necklace where you have the choice of choosing between one of three types of sterling silver chains and choosing between one of four different sizes or lengths of sterling silver chains.
This claddagh cross pendant or the claddagh cross necklace is made from .925 sterling silver.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sterling Silver Cross Necklaces. The Best Buy!
Sterling Silver Cross Necklaces
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Silver Cross Necklace |
To answer these questions we need to look at what "silver" is and what "gold" is. When it comes to jewelry neither is typically used. Both are precious metals and in their pure form the are very malleable or soft. The can bend or change shape over time.
To solve this problem jewelers hundreds of year ago developed alloys to strengthen them. In the case of silver their is just one alloy called sterling silver. 7.5% of the alloy is not silver. Typically they add copper, tin or zinc to the mix which hardens the silver and allows it to retain its shaped.
Have you ever wondered what the difference between 10k, 14k or 24k gold is? It is the degree of pure gold. Even 24k gold isn't pure gold but it is the closest thing to pure gold. The difference is made up of an alloy. This gives it firmness. I have a family heirloom 10k gold ring and it is about 80 years old and the circle is misshaped due to wear by my grandfather and me.
So the question is how are sterling silver cross necklaces or any type of sterling silver jewelry better than gold cross necklaces? Because they are precious metals they will both last forever. So that's not an issue. So how is a sterling silver cross necklace better than a gold cross necklace?
Two answers. First they are an affordable precious metal. The last 12-15 years precious metals have been on a steady rice. That cost is reflected in the price of a cross necklace. Gold cross necklaces are very pricey. Sterling silver prices have gone up as well but despite the increase of price you can buy four to five sterling silver cross necklaces or more for the price of a gold cross necklace.
The next issue on what makes sterling silver cross necklaces a better buy is that because of the cheaper price there are countless more selections and designs to choose from with the sterling silver cross necklace. Take for instance the cross necklace shown above. Very simple and very popular. But there are countless other types of sterling silver cross necklace that are very decorative like the Celtic cross necklace.
So I think I have made my case as to which is the better buy. The only thing I cannot account for is your personal taste. If you prefer gold then go for it. But Another note to make about sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces or any other type of silver cross necklace...They go well with anything because of the neutral color. So if you want the best prices for quality cross necklaces and a fantastic selection then silver cross necklaces are just right for you.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Celtic Knot Necklaces
For those that like all things Irish will really enjoy Irish necklaces or Celtic knot necklaces. This Celtic knot necklace below is engraved with the word "Luck" on the reverse side of the Celtic knot pendant. This Celtic necklace is a good luck Celtic knot necklace.
Not all Celtic necklaces are made from Celtic knots. Here is a Celtic necklace that is more of a design than a knot. It is the Celtic protection symbol.
On the reverse side of this Celtic necklace the word "Protection" is engraved. Both of these Irish or Celtic necklaces are made from .925 sterling silver. They also provide three types of chain style to choose from. They also come with four lengths to select from.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Callahanwriter is a blog with exclusive writings by CallahanWriter. CallahanWriter has pits and pieces published on various posts and forums but now will consolidate his writings and thoughts into his namesake blog CallahanWriter.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces are a wonderful type of jewelry for those who love Celtic and Irish jewelry and for those who love Christian jewelry. The Celtic cross necklace is unique because it is at home in several genres of jewelry as mentioned above. Also the Irish cross necklace also falls under the Cross jewelry genre as well.
Silver Celtic Jewelry
As we look at silver Celtic or Irish cross necklaces we'll focus on the silver Celtic jewelry side although we will likely follow Celtic cross necklaces on the Christian or religious jewelry side in the future.
These solid .925 sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces have the traditional design of a cross necklace but also include Celtic knot work and Irish symbols as shown on some of the pictures in this blog. These Irish symbols and Celtic knots add to the symbolism of the Celtic cross necklace.
The symbolism has a Christian meaning to it as well.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Types Of Celtic Crosses
Types of Celtic crosses are used like any other type of cross jewelry. They are used to inspire the wearer and to remind them of their Christian virtues. The various types of Celtic crosses used in making Celtic cross necklaces. Now, having said that, let's look at this passage of scripture found in the gospel of St. Matthew.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16)
Since we are the light of the world we need to not hide our discipleship but rather let is loose and let people know how you feel on moral issues and stand your ground. The silver Celtic cross necklace shows others who you are and what you are all about.
Sterling silver Celtic crosses helps to let your light so shine. But the scriptures are talking about your example and the way you live. Don't buy Celtic crosses to let your light shine only. Just invest in inspirational Celtic crosses as a reminder and a quality reminder to let your light shine.
To see countless types of sterling silver Celtic crosses go to types of Celtic crosses. You will find countless types of Celtic cross necklaces that should appeal to any cross wearing Christian.
Monday, May 5, 2014
The Resurrection
The Resurrection
If asked about my favorite parts of the New Testament I would say the four gospels. If pressed further I would struggle and then I would say the parts of the gospels that talk about the Resurrection.
All that the teachings of the gospel and all the life of Christ is meaningless if we don't remember and consider the resurrection. All that Christ suffered in Gethsemane and on the cross means nothing unless we remember that Christ was indeed resurrected. The spirit and the body of Christ were reunited. Let's look at the gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 28:
1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. 3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: 4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. 5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. 9 ¶And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. 10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. (Matthew 28:1-10)
The sterling silver Celtic cross jewelry genre is full of Celtic cross earrings, Celtic cross pendants and Celtic cross necklaces. We will look at sterling silver Celtic cross pendants.
Sterling silver Celtic cross pendants are a great reminder to the resurrection. The Crucifix has a symbolized body of Christ on the cross but the empty Celtic cross pendant is a cross pendant with Celtic symbols and is empty of the body of Jesus. That empty cross represents the risen Lord of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The first two types of silver Celtic cross pendants are very close to authentic, old style Celtic crosses. The third Celtic cross pendant is fashioned around the trinity knot which is a Celtic symbol that represents the Holy Trinity.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Celtic Mothers Day Jewelry
Sterling silver Celtic necklaces for women make some of the best mothers days jewelry that you could consider giving your mom or wife on mothers day. They make the best mothers day gifts.
The sterling silver Celtic knot necklaces for women are a great new approach to giving the heart necklace to your wife or mother.
It's All About Change
It's All About Change
Unless you are perfect or perfectly happy with who you are or where you are in life, change is a way of life or needs to be. We often find ourselves resistant to change. Read this quote:
"In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are." (Max DePree)
Because change is so important and we need to be open to positive change let's turn to word jewelry to see that there is a sterling silver change charm.
Sterling silver word jewelry has all kinds of silver word charms. These are charms with word engraved on the silver charm.
The word charms in this collection are part of a word jewelry collection with over 200 word charms.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Irish Mothers Day Gifts
Irish Mothers Day Gifts
Irish jewelry mothers day jewelry can be selected from a full array of sterling silver Irish jewelry and Celtic jewelry.
The type of Irish jewelry we will look at is the Celtic or Irish version of the heart necklace. The heart necklace is yesterdays news but still quite popular. However if we look at Celtic heart necklaces we have a "new and improved" heart necklace.
Every one of the Celtic heart necklaces and Celtic love knot necklaces all fall under the Celtic knot necklace. Every Celtic heart or Celtic love knot are not Celtic designs but Celtic knots.
It's amazing how much better and more relevant the heart necklace with a Celtic or Irish design. It almost seems like a never ending list of Celtic heart necklaces. Also keep in mind that with every Celtic heart necklace you get a choice of three silver chains and four lengths. So every Celtic heart necklace is really twelve Celtic love knot necklaces.
The Celtic love knot necklace or Celtic heart necklace has the Celtic knot or Celtic weave to it. Sometimes the Celtic love knot has both elements. Look at another great example of the Celtic love knot necklace:
Monday, April 28, 2014
Celtic Crosses
Sterling silver Celtic crosses come in a rich array of Celtic symbolism which greatly adds to the symbolism of the cross. Even though these symbols are Celtic in nature they add greatly to the Christian symbols of the cross. To fully understand the great value the Celtic crosses have in Christian cross jewelry you need to look at the Celtic cross meaning.
Enclosed in this post are a few Celtic cross necklaces to show the amazing styles and symbols of the Celtic cross necklace. Notice they all have more than just the Celtic circle at the intersection of the cross. To see how they add to Christian symbolism click on Celtic cross meaning.
The Celtic cross necklace is a perfect blend of the Christian cross and the Celtic and Irish symbols that are a part of the Celtic cross necklace.
Christ be with me, be after me, be before me,
and be at my right and left hand.
May everything I do be for Christ.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Mens Necklaces
Sterling silver mens necklaces cover a huge array of genres. Guess what the single most popular type of mens necklace is? It is the sterling silver cross necklace for men.
The Celtic cross necklace and the Celtic necklace for men are also very popular genres of mens necklaces.
The sterling silver cross necklace for men are very popular among Christian men who like jewelry and like to wear a inspirational symbol of their faith.
Look at these mens cross necklaces. They all come from They are all made from sterling silver and they are designed for men. There are thousands to choose from.
Sterling silver horse jewelry and Equestrian jewelry in many ways are the same. They are like Irish jewelry and Celtic jewelry where they have different types of jewelry but a lot of overlapping jewelry like the horseshoe necklace.
Sterling silver Equestrian and horse jewelry have all kinds of horses and Equestrian symbols to celebrate the animal known as the magnificent horse and all things Equestrian.
The horseshoe represents so many things in so many cultures and in many different symbolic ways. Some of what the horseshoe represents is good luck in some cultures to a symbol of the horse itself in other circles. It is one of those types of jewelry both horse and equestrian jewelry share.
You can wear a horseshoe necklace to any type of horse race or rodeo or any other types of equestrian event and feel at home. Because these horseshoe necklaces are made from sterling silver you can wear them anytime and anywhere. Showing your interest.
Monday, April 7, 2014
What is a Celtic Love Knot symbol? The Celtic love knot symbol is any Celtic knot or Celtic symbol that represents love. This can range from a Celtic heart knot pendant or a Celtic pendant that has no beginning or end which is what love is. That no beginning and end is also a Celtic infinity symbol. The Celtic love knot is used in Celtic necklaces more than ever as it has grown in popularity over the last few years.
Of course, and jewelry with "love symbolism" is always popular.
Sterling silver Celtic necklaces have several types of Celtic love knot styles. We'll look at a few. To see all of the possibilities click on Celtic necklaces.
The Celtic love knot necklace also includes relationship Celtic necklaces like the following relationship Celtic necklace.
If you want to say "I love you" with a sterling silver Celtic necklace, these are just a few that can be used. Each of these Celtic necklaces comes with four chain lengths and three types of silver chains to choose from. To see all the Celtic love knot necklaces go to Celtic necklace.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Celtiic Cross Pendants
Celtic Cross Pendants
Sterling silver Celtic cross pendants are the pendants that they popular Celtic cross necklace is made of. With Celtic cross pendants you can make your own type of Celtic cross necklace as unique and different as you are.
The Celtic cross pendant shown just above is one of the authentic Celtic crosses. It is an old style Celtic cross pendant. It measures about 1 1/8" in diameter.
This sterling silver Irish cross pendant above is part Irish cross pendant and part Celtic cross pendant. It fits into both genres or Irish jewelry and Celtic jewelry.
Silver word charms come in many shapes and styles. The one thing they all have in common is that they all have words or phrases engraved on them.
One of the most popular word charms is the love charm. "Love" is powerful, popular and potent. It's no doubt that the love charm is the single most popular word charm.
Word charms and word necklaces go great with power words that inspire the wearer.
Sometimes people will find some great lyrics they love, poems, quotes and other types of the written word and connect with them. They can use word charms like the friends charm to help them remember the quotes and words that inspire them.
"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is." (Mary Anne Radmacher)
There are over two hundred word charms in three different shapes and styles. This collection even includes a live charm. Many of these word charms we have mentioned go hand in hand with this quote.
friends charm.,
laugh charm,
live charm,
love charm,
word charms
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Silver Irish Jewelry For Men
Of all the many different types of silver Irish jewelry for men we are going to make our focus in this post on the silver Irish jewelry for men Claddagh cross. The Claddagh cross makes a wonderful Claddagh cross pendant.
The sterling silver Claddagh cross necklace shown above comes with a sterling silver ball chain. However, when you go to buy it you will be presented with a choice of three silver chains and four lengths of chains.
What makes the Claddagh cross different from any other Irish cross pendant or any other type of cross pendant, the Claddagh cross pendant is a traditional cross with Irish symbolism and Celtic symbolism on the cross.
The circle that helps to make a cross and Celtic or Irish cross is, in this case a Irish Claddagh. At the tope of the Claddagh and on the end caps, the trinity knot is engraved. This is what make the cross pendant a Claddagh cross pendant.
Silver Celtic Jewelry
Silver Celtic jewelry is a rich collection of jewelry of all types like Celtic rings, Celtic necklaces, Irish rings, Celtic pendants, Irish earrings and much more. In this treatment of silver Celtic jewelry we will look at Celtic rings and Irish rings.
Irish rings and Celtic rings can be very different and is some cases there can be Celtic rings with Irish symbols blended with the Irish symbols.
Now look at this example of just one of many Celtic rings. Notice is has part Irish symbols and part Celtic knots.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Irish Womens Jewelry
Sterling silver Irish womens jewelry is essentially the same type of Irish jewelry for men only designed to appeal to a women. Irish womens jewelry has types of jewelry like Irish rings women wear to Celtic earrings and many types of Celtic necklaces.
The difference between Irish rings women wear and Irish rings men wear sometimes varies only by ring size. Other types of Irish rings women wear are designed with a womens style design.
When were talking about sterling silver Irish jewelry for women we're also talking about special Celtic symbols and Celtic knots that appeal specifically to women because they are womens symbols like the Celtic Triquetra knot.
Sterling silver cross charms are the most value for your money when you think of how versatile the silver cross charm is.
Cross charms can hang from a cross necklace chain just like a silver cross pendant. But a silver cross charm can also hang from a charm bracelet as well.
There are many things that can serve to inspire and help a Christian focus on their Christian faith and beliefs like great Christian hymns, scriptures, poems cross charms, Christian jewelry, and anything else that serves to instill inspiration into your life.
The cross is the most popular Christian symbol but it's not the first Christian symbol. The Christian fish was the first Christian symbol used by Christians. It was very popular for centuries. Eventually, the cross took over in popularity.
One of the most historic and inspirational of all silver cross charms is the Christian fish cross charm is this great looking cross charm, the Christian fish cross charm.
Christian fish charm.,
cross charm,
cross charms
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